Former Visiting Positions

● Visiting Fellow, Lucy Cavendish College, University of Cambridge.
●Visiting Professor, College of International Relations, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan.
● Collaborative Lecturer, University of Hawaii, USA.
● Visiting Lecturer, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: Unfree Labour from a Historical Perspective.
●Visiting Fellow, International Institute of Social History (IISG), Amsterdam

Editorial Boards

● Adviser, Editorial Board, An Encyclopedia of the African Diaspora, ABC-CLIO, California, USA.
●Adviser, Editorial Board, Information, Society and Justice, a Journal of the London Metropolitan University.
●Adviser on the Editorial Board, Journal of Research in Music, University of Visual and Performing Arts, Colombo.
● Member, Editorial Board, African Diaspora Archaeology & Heritage, UK.
● Member, International Advisory Board, African Diaspora, Leiden, Netherlands.
● Editorial Advisor, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK.
● Member, Editorial Board, Sri Lanka Journal of Aesthetic Studies.


●PhD – University of Westminster, UK, 2004.
Dissertation: Indo-Portuguese of Ceylon: History, Linguistics and Literature.
Supervisor: Professor Philip Baker
Examiners: Professor David Brookshaw and Dr Patricia Odber Baubeta             

●MSc – Finance, University of London, UK, 1995. 
Dissertation:  Corporate Governance and the Takeover Market. 
Supervisor: Professor Norvald Smith.

●BSc – Economics (Honours Second Class Upper Division) University of London, UK, 1993. 
Dissertation:  Central Banks and Monetary Policy.  Supervisor: Professor Vittorio Grilli.

●Diploma – Linguistics, University of Westminster, UK, 1998.

●Diploma – Piano Performance, London College of Music. University of West London, 2015


● International Institute of Macau Award for trilingual (English, Portuguese, Sinhala) translation of book on Luso-Asians of Sri Lanka, 2021.
●Cassal Trust Award Fund: to Organise a tribute conference for the distinguished Creole Linguist late Professor Philip Baker, 2021.
● Coffin Fund Award: to convene a symposium on Transoceanic Lusitanian Linguistics and Cultures, 2021.
● University of Hawaii Distinguished: Rama Watumull Collaborative Lecture Series award from the Center for South Asian Studies & Student Equity, Excellence and Diversity Award, University of Hawaii, USA, March 2020.
● Institute of Commonwealth Studies Award for film Screening on global slavery ‘Les routes de L’esclavage’ 2018.
● Coffin Fund Award: to convene the annual Symposium on Global Portuguese at the University of London (2017 and 2018).
● British Library (London) Award: to conduct fieldwork on Afro-Sri Lankan Music, 2013.
● University of Graz (Austria) Award: as an international collaborator on the Hugo Schuchardt Archives Project to work on the manuscript collection, 2012.
● British Library (London) Award: for fieldwork on Baila and Kaffrinha in Sri Lanka, 2008.
● Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Award: for field work on language, music and dance of the Creole communities in Sri Lanka, 2003.
● Fundação Oriente Award: to conduct fieldwork on Indo-Portuguese, music and dance of the Creole communities in Sri Lanka, 2003.

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